About Us

A Brief History Of Creation

Our Mission
To be the recognized Canadian authority on pelvic health for women, supporting provider excellence and standardization in care.

Notre Mission
Devenir l’autorité canadienne reconnue en matière de santé pelvienne féminine,
en soutenant l’excellence de la prestation de service et la standardisation des

Our Vision
We see a future where a multidisciplinary community of providers has standard training and access to the best information to collaboratively deliver excellent pelvic floor healthcare in Canada.

Notre Vision
Nous visons un avenir où une communauté multidisciplinaire de prestataires de service collabore et accède à de la formation standardisée et à de l’information de pointe pour livrer d’excellents soins en santé pelvienne au Canada.

The objectives of our society are:

To disseminate

To disseminate information regarding progress in female pelvic medicine (including prevention, conservative management and pharmaceutical management) and reconstructive surgery

The current CSPM by-laws can be downloaded here (version approved May 7, 2023).