Call for Fellow Representative for the CSPM Education Committee

We are looking for a first-year fellow to serve on the CSPM Education Committee to represent the fellow experience and perspective in CSPM's educational initiatives. This is a 2-year term (September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2024). 

 Responsibilities of the Fellow:

1. Represent fellows across Canada and regularly report to the CSPM Educational Committee any new educational ideas and issues that arise. Collaborate with members of the Educational Committee to establish annual goals, means to achieve these goals, and plan for evaluating the success of the committee in achieving these goals. 

2. Organize fellowship networking events to foster collaboration among fellows. During these events, report on the CSPM Educational Committee activities to fellows across Canada, create new ideas, bring forward any issues, and report on the committee's progress. 

3. Organize fellow's events, such as virtual and in-person Fellowship Information sessions.

4. Organize 5 journal clubs annually.

CSPM members in good standing may nominate a fellow or interested fellows may self-nominate. The nominee must be a CSPM member. Interested applicants should submit their CV and letter of to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by August 1, 2022.