Research Standards of Accreditation for Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship Programs


The research standards of accreditation are a national set of standards maintained by the Canadian Society of Pelvic Medicine to guide the minimum standard of programming to support Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellows (PMRS) in completing a scholarly project as part of their fellowship. The standards are designed to uphold the quality of PMRS Fellowship research education provided across Canada and to ensure that PMRS fellowship programs adequately prepare fellows for academic practice.

The standards are intended to be read in conjunction with clinical standards of accreditation for PMRS fellowship.

  1. The curriculum plan includes each fellow’s participation in a scholarly research, quality improvement, or educational project
  2. The curriculum plan includes each fellow’s engagement in critical appraisal of relevant PMRS-related medical literature. This must include:
    1. Teaching regarding best practice in critical appraisal
    2. Regular opportunities to participate in critical appraisal of PMRS-related medical literature
  3. Fellows have access to and mentorship for a variety of scholarly opportunities including research
    1. There must be sufficient, competent individual supervisors to support fellow scholarly project activities, and these individuals must have sufficient capacity (protected time, for example) to supervise fellows
    2. There is a designated individual who facilitates the involvement of fellows in scholarly activities including research. This individual should report to the Fellowship Program Committee or equivalent
  4. Fellows have protected time to participate in scholarly activities including research